Maybe my life is like someone's album cover There's millions of songs and I haven't heard even half yet all I know is that my backpack groans like a saddle when I put it on my back It's a little happiness every morning when my room smells like incense Or like the air outside Maybe my life is like a raspberry with an infinite or nonexistent number of pustules Maybe my life is like the word pustule all I know is how scratchy my blanket feels how the waves sprayed in my face from a thousand feet below literally- how albus dumbledore stood there but not really- how the lightning didn't always mean thunder and how spring feels after a long winter Maybe my life is like my sister's car Maybe my life is like the people in my sister's car drunk and a little confused, all I know is that they're fun to hang out with have great ideas when they're high- and sober, too- that the cold mist is ideal in summer and terrifying in winter that my sleeping bag is comfortable on any surface and Blues Traveler's "Run Around" is my life song but there's tons of others, too Maybe my life is only like my life and there's no appropriate analogy that can capture what's actually going on.