Worrying is like a rocking chair It gives you something to do But doesn't lead you Anywhere...
Born with no sliver spoon Lives heading itchy in a ghetto cafe Taunted by wars at every corner Wars, masses fought daily To survive... "You don't know a thing about me" Some would say.. "You don't ve the right to judge" Others would be blunt..
Sometimes, I feel I dunno myself the way I thought I do.. Sometimes, I ve these uncomfortable feelings That I was born earlier than it should ve been And I don't belong in this world..
Sometimes, I take a deep look at myself in the mirror, and something in me Feels I can do more if I let myself to I feel my fingerprints needs to be felt in these world..
At times, I take a deep breathe, Facing my potentials, Wondering if I won't disappoint those who place me so high... Ve got a life That, I must live So, I'll just make myself believe in ME cos that's all I need to do Believing in my dreams, vision, potentials And chasing em .. Right?