Here am I on my knees Crying to the heavens Tearing my shirt over the sins that are drowning me My sorrow knows no bounds For I have failed I have tripped and fallen down a ***** That there is no hope Of ever returning Yet you have reached out And pulled me off of my knees You have clothed me In the splendor of royalty You have set a crown upon my brow And now allow Me to sit at your feet How can a sinful creature such as I Hold the eye Of such a glorious God How could the maker of the stars Hold someone as wretched as me I come to the throne humbly It seems the least I can do To return each breath of life blessed to me back to you Direct me through the nations Spreading the word of your glory I can not comprehend how I could ever contain such a message It spills out my mouth like an everlasting stream These words shine bright With the message of life For every sentence that contains his name Shouts forth his infinite praise May the fire of the Holy Spirit set ablaze The nations in Gods holy ways