People die and marriages fail and sometime you will know what panic feels like Bank accounts go negative and sometimes you get lonely
I won't be staying
You may come to a halt in the middle of doing something casual, grocery shopping or driving, because your wondering eyes danced over strangers' faces Suddenly remembering the ignored fragility we all store in the yawning pools of our hearts Knowing you could never love everyone good enough
I'll be far gone soon
They will be given a conveniently odd shaped frame of bones surrounded by organs, one of which will be stretched over the frame, containing their pulsing crimson rivers They will be told that is who they are
I won't be there to cringe as they believe it
Sometimes I get blissfully lost in the fields of sunshine and tall swaying grass, feeling both careless and careful An emotion thatΒ Β if posed as a question would be asked, "How could such a horrible place be so gracefully beautiful?" And vice versa
These are temporary wonders
Hearts, limbs, and first date napkins will be twisted up in the company of someone who's memorized face will most likely be a struggle to recall in following years that pass like the flipping calendars in movies
I will forever forget the south side of those people
You may become so sure of yourself, you doubt everyone else So swaddled in your surroundings, you lose your spirit So invested in this journey, you forget you are on your way
I am on mine
They will not know how to see with their eyes closed, only sure of visible things Falling more in and out of love with themselves every day Suffering worthless anxieties and drowning in the sea of never surfacing They will not see the exhausted circles in which they swim Certain only of their unhappiness that fuels the strides