1. I am eating fog on this pre-dawn bridge an overcoat of no particular mood keeping intact considered-sincerity of warmth inhaling air tight with thin droplets the c-cold of someone's click-clack in the distance only an echo of studious-oblivion glancing over the rail as the water swirls, dense
the silent hum of a slow-passing vehicle windows darkly stare I wonder who'd possibly be passing by here and would they be connecting with that swirl, too
2. there must be a walrus under there (shrinking-violet, that it is) its projections long and probably needing plumbs the departing fingers of night gnaw attempt to steal what little shelters here consent delayed by vertical-curses in bloom and I'm thinking of a cat I used to have who certainly didn't favour water
protests become latent-airborne, take off as screeching squawks swoop by hungry heartbeats gurgle, drip valiant station within view.. phew, made it!
an accordion starts to play.. an elegy fit for a dive.
st64, 3 April 2014
lovely weather these days.
sub-entry: goad-change
nothing like lifting the lid insects swarm sun exposing giving rays
(thanks forever.. for all the help)
change is so good change is healthy what a goad-change!