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Oct 2010
Twigs have been broken
A branch has been shaken
But the tree of life stands firm still
Unshaken, unaware of the ****

The leaves still move
To the light wind’s groove
The fallen ones let out their cry
Which is heard only by the sky

On one branch, A bunch of flowers did appear
When autumn was near
They bloomed with radiance
While others were on descent

They used to whisper, speak and laugh
And shield each other from the wind’s wrath
They used to shine in the night
They used to watch the birds’ flight
They used to wish for more might
But were soon to suffer the creator’s spite

And they did.
Eeshan Srivastava
Written by
Eeshan Srivastava  30/M/United States
(30/M/United States)   
     Jenny and D Conors
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