We exist in shadows The night kind Hiding from the world of light Not understanding the chaos the exists in the brighter hours Standing in darkness shaking our heads not knowing who we are or why And why the world around us looks so bleak and desolate despite the busy activity around us Thinking that possibly they are right , that something is wrong with us That we are “weird” , “insane” or “different” for finding our only real peace when the sun sets For loving the power and clarity that comes with the absence of brilliance For seeking solace when the moon rises But truly they are the “weird” ones For only we know what exists on the realms they cannot see Only we understand the energy of focus and silence in the midnight hours We are the ones who can hear the whispers of the hidden forces that are far beyond their reach The night kind And Yes, we are different More so then they or perhaps even we know For we Possess an “inner light” that they can never understand