Seeing guns as a right means you must have one to protect yourself from others just like you
The illusion of opportunity to make yourself wealthy by dint of your own effort when it's all just a lottery
Passing off privilege as some born vocation while your downtrodden masses rot in poverty or prison
Say taxation is theft to underline your greed while you live on stolen land hate those you put in need
Deny health care for all because you don't need it it's better they die in pain than be obliged to the State
Exporting your dystopia all around the earth so the rich get richer faster and the rest increase in dearth
Cynthia Pauline Jones 3/10/2013
This was written after reading in a fairly concentrated period, a number of blogs and articles and trying to make sense of some of the comments written on those.
If you're American and read this, please try to see it as a friendly critique - though not of you personally; as an expression of bafflement on the part of a well meaning outsider, with some of the themes and inherent value judgments that underpin your culture; as a series of questions you might ask yourself about your culture.
Conversations with American friends show that many are just as alarmed and baffled by these aspects as is this outsider.