My time in the shadows has darkened me to pale yellow words that sing in the jazz moment of knowing how the rhythm undresses the silky smooth curves of the rhymes that bloom and blitz in the moment of writing.
Bright light stuns my eyes as I try to squint at the luminescent blue visuals that step into place as gingerly as the last woman I seduced with an open hand upon my heart.
I am a lover of beauty and brains. It is but natural to be magnetised by the mind of the other person who sees 3 D drawings in the fragment of a captured moment. Why do women sensualise feeling that much more?
There are many on AP that tick the right boxes with their artistry of the spoken and written words. Naming them all would expose their flawless skins of pristine poetry to public gaze.
I am also selfish wanting to roll and tumble in their mastery of liquid language, just to caress their velvety words with my fascination!
Write on my beauties. Write on. My heart flutters for you a thousand times more as I bathe in the silky soap suds of your sensuality.