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Oct 2009
I lay in my bed lonely, as I do every night
Wishing you were here by my side
Body is getting restless
Eyes is getting heavy
I drift off to sleep...
I open my eyes to find you standing over me
You slowly undress me
You begin with a sweet kiss
Because you know it's what I miss
Then you start to rub my legs
Caressing so gently
As your body begs, so intently
I moan at the touch of your tongue
Tracing my breast all the way down to my belly
You flash that wicked smile of yours
As you make your way down between my thighs
Where it's warm and hot

****...Feelings of DEJA VU emerge
We've been here before

Your fingers find it's way to my wetness
Anticipation is higher than high
Just to feel my moist spot
Has you excited beyond all measures
You enter me slow and gentle
Not wanting to destroy the mood
I hold on to your body as I enjoy every ******
Eyes closed as you take me to ecstasy
We don't need no music
Our moans will be our sound
I lay with your hands and mouth all over me
Now we switch positions
You are on the bottom
I'm on the top getting ready to please you
We move together
Our bodies are in sync
I can feel your body tremble
A sign you're ready to let go
Just as we both are about to explode
I open my eyes...

Only to realize IT WAS ALL A DREAM!
Written by
LaTaijah Hall
     ---, D Conors and Lori McGaw
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