The silence was sinister, as if, sound had lost its vocal chords, the days arrived and sunsets painted the sky in crimson and gold leaf ensembles of artists dreams.
While they sat around a table, document drivers ran around pushing agendas, translating armageddon scenarios if the other side raised a finger or pulled a trigger. So the sulky diplomats sat like doormats where the national feet were wiped upon and trust was invested in their stupidity. Harvard education, pin-striped suits with loud aggressive neckties announced their status to TV crews and intrepid journalists, hanging on every word like guillotines, to ravage the leading newspaper stories. Headlines were deadlines. Diplomats drummed up side angles for photographic faces to appear firm and responsible to the taxman's money.
Here they gathered with their policy whisperers awaiting for a signal to open their loaded dialogues of positions and policy shifts. Yet no one said a word.
The silence, for once, kept all the mouths shut ( one wished permanently!) no one said a word for 3 long hours, but they sipped chilled water, took notes of nothing glared at each others sides and took notes again of what was not said.
At the stoke of two, when the clock belted a twang and the echo bounced through many empty heads, the diplomats rose to call it another day of negotiations.