Time spirals like a stairwell through an infinite Space where the beginning and end are never understood.
In the gravitational enigma of atoms and particles colliding in perfect symmetry against a backdrop of forces that we attribute to God and his Mind over matter.
This is, for ‘something’ greater than god himself, gave Him the power to possess such awesome precision that we still do not comprehend. Never. Try as we might. Who or what then exerted so much energy to create a man comprised of infinite possibilities, deviations and standards in a controlled mind to surpass all of creation? And and and attempt to understand its inner workings from every angular dimension yet never give up until he has found the microscope pin-hole in the universe through which he can see the face of the creator himself!
Is this a way to tease this simple mans understanding of his immense power?
The Body is the temple of God No doubt about it. You were born in a thermo dynamic quantum furnace embedded in the very pulse that the Creator distributed through another Creator Another Creator, Another Creator etc etc.