verb (used with object) 1. to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment. 2. to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups, usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity; settle; reconcile: They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful. 3. to free from evil; cleanse; purify: to heal the soul.
verb (used without object) 4. to effect a cure. 5. (of a wound, broken bone, etc.) to become whole or sound; mend; get well (often followed by up or over ).
verb (used with object), rec·on·ciled, rec·on·cil·ing. 1. to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired: He was reconciled to his fate. 2. to win over to friendliness; cause to become amicable: to reconcile hostile persons. 3. to compose or settle (a quarrel, dispute, etc.). 4. to bring into agreement or harmony; make compatible or consistent: to reconcile differing statements; to reconcile accounts. 5. to reconsecrate (a desecrated church, cemetery, etc.).
The task painful and cumbersome is to decide if both can be.