To the reader.
This shall be one of many-a letters to come,
this is to you, the happy, the sad, the awesome, the glum.
I do request, ever formally so, that you embark with me on a small adventure,
away, away, so far away we'll go.
Where you ask? Well it's not to far, but it really quite is, but where indeed,
don't ask me, I don't know!
Shall we go in search for treasures, spoils of wars long dead and forgotten?
Or shall we band together our merry men and women, to foil the villain!
Come away, come away! Oh reader imagine just imagine what we'll see,
Beautiful dreamer, won't you wake unto me?
There's a world so fantastic, just waiting to be found,
will we go in trumpets full a-toot, glorious and fantastic, or shall we sneak,
as to make not one sound?
Shall we find ourselves running from the Law?
Or shall we as friends, stand and fight the enemy, use shock! Make Awe!
I do say my reader, the sun is quite high,
surely this can't be our final goodbye?
Quite possibly we'll depart for a moment (or two!)
But as for me, well I'll just wait here. That's what I'll do!
I'm your voice inside your head, you silly little goose.
Now open up imaginations, and let your fingers type, set me loose!
Ah, I see you've stumbled upon a work of mine,
shall we be brothers, or sisters in arms? Or shall you be more, then, a gal so fine.
I respect your wishes, and follow your command.
But do not assume that your voice will accomplish, all you demand.
I'm not unreasonable, I'm not as unsightly,
but you'll see now that my morals are mighty.
So will this be a romance, or more of...
a tragedy?
So reader I dare say, I've really taken you away.
I promised you didn't I to take you there,
but oh dear, it seems, you've not moved anywhere!
Have you forgotten what time has passed?
Are you completely convinced? This wasn't half-fast?
So reader I must say my adieu's,
but fret not, for here I shall wait.
Haha...get it?
Anyway. Hope you enjoyed it. Promises made are promises kept.