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Mar 2014
When you’re on a crowded subway at that too early hour in the morning and your face is submerged in someone else’s and your toes are being crushed by someone else’s feet and all of a sudden, right in front of you, a seat opens up. And as you’re sitting down, eye level at all the briefcase commotion, you feel as though the chaos can run around you and it wouldn’t even matter. You’d feel safe. You’d feel detached. You’d feel exceptionally content.
The first couple of seconds on a rollercoaster as your cart climbs slowly up the lift hill. Leaning back as your pumping heart is making a scene and you’re building up the strength to scream and you’re wondering if you can’t turn around now, if you can’t press the stop button and slide back down, if you could at least stay in this spot for a little while longer.
maybe it’s also similar to that feeling when you wake up at 3am and realize you don’t have to get up yet. That you still have time to go back to where you left off and try again. Fall gracefully into that dream you’ll try hard to make sure your alarm clock doesn’t allow you to forget.
Samantha McConnell
Written by
Samantha McConnell  24/F
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