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Oct 2010
Frightful night
Eerie wind
No man on sight
Life no hint
The lone walker
On country side
The cemetery near
From wall behind
Heard words clear:

‘One for you
One for me!’
‘One for you
One for me!’
Rugged an’ rough
In tone repeat

Startled he stopped
Looked around
No one is seen
Moon missing
Awe; serene;
Stars hiding
Silence reigned!

Close he moved
Near shadow trees;
Wall inside
He now peeped
Darkness pierced
Breath dared!
What be there?
Two shadows weird!
Two Satan’s aids
Sharing souls?
Just released?

Repeating words
Suddenly stopped
Jackals howled
Far echoed!
Something heard
A thudding sound?

A voice now harsh
Came out rash:
‘The one there at
The entrance gate
I take; you wait
For the next in sight’!

Overheard he
Ran for life
No time to waste
Till another dies!

Few moments late
Two shadows moved;
Out of the gate
Two rag-men they
Came to sight
Picked up one
An apple there!
And walked straight…
Be one young or old, death casts its own spell on all...its charm frightening and awe-inspiring...
     Gabriel and D Conors
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