Just because I'm complying Doesn't mean I'm not rebellious.
Just because I'm not crying Doesn't mean I'm not sad.
Just because I'm talking Doesn't mean I'm friendly.
Just because I'm not alone Doesn't mean I want your company.
Just because I'm quiet Doesn't mean I'm not thinking.
Just because I don't disagree Doesn't mean you're right.
Just because I've cured the symptoms Doesn't mean I've cured the disease.
Just because I don't cut Doesn't mean I don't want to.
Just because I haven't killed myself Doesn't mean I want to live.
Just because I've cured the symptoms Doesn't mean I've cured the disease.
Just because I'm writing Doesn't mean I'm okay.
This is not a poem, This is how I get my brain to shut up.
Just because I haven't cut Or burned Or bruised Or broken Or sliced Or injured Or torn apart any part of me for months Does not mean the thoughts Ideas And wishes Have been dispelled from my mind. I still dream of suicide Crave to cut Wish to burn myself And pray to hurt. Because I haven't followed through on my thoughts Yet Does not mean that I don't lay in bed Unable to sleep And unable to escape the thought And desire To carve the names of those who have impacted my life Played a big part in my story And carve your names into my lower left thigh Using my favorite and most used blade. Because I haven't followed through on my thoughts Yet Does not mean I have not formulated many plans to **** myself Hang myself while my family is out 'Accidentally' stumble in front of a car while out for a run Slice my wrists Jump off a building Or my more creative ideas Just because I have not acted on my thoughts Yet Does not mean I have not come up with uncountable amounts of ways to hurt myself And ways to cover it up. Methods and excuses. To grate my knuckles and blame it on art or boxing. To slice and cross my knees-I fell. Or the classic "the cat did it" Or my most used "I scraped it against a wall"
Just because I have cured the symptoms Does not mean I have cured the disease
Just because I don't talk about my feelings Doesn't mean they aren't there.
Just because I don't tell you about it Doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Just because I keep quiet Doesn't mean I have nothing to say.
Just because I say "it's chilled" Doesn't mean I'm okay with it.
Just because I cover it up Doesn't mean it's not there.
Just because I conceal it Doesn't mean I don't feel it.
Just because I write Doesn't mean I will talk.
Just because I share Doesn't mean I'll show you.
Just because I talk Doesn't mean I'll say something worthwhile.
Just because I think Doesn't mean I'll do.
Just because I pretend Doesn't mean it's true.
Just because I breathe Doesn't mean I want to.
Just because I care about you Doesn't mean you'll return the feelings.
Just because I notice things about you Doesn't mean you will do the same to me.
It's 11:27. This isn't a poem, it's how I get my brain to shut up. This wasn't intended to be any good or anything, I know it's crap, I know it's dark and I know it's mildly graphic. But hopefully writing will help somewhat. So now I will try sleep And I will probably dream of Him again Or have nightmares again Or both Then I will have an awfully lonely day Clear out my room while home alone And feel terribly abandoned by my friends and the people I care(d) about that I thought felt the same. And I will feel like crap. And I should probably sleep now. Or try at least.
Sorry about all this, it's terribly stupid and no one who reads this (if anyone does) will care about what I'm saying because I Don't Matter.