A walk to death for the doggie that bit. Dragging in fear at the end of the leash. So sorrowful. The question is why? A profound dog loving poet am I, I am! I can understand, the death sentence tho' it seems so harsh. I question what makes a dog turn? How do these fierce tendencies occur? Are they frightened? Have they been hurt? For some a dog is the love of their life, from whom love is mutually given unconditionally. So sad when man's best friend turns! Without ever having been violent, one thing, I scream, the dogs destroyed for being the wrong breed! We all have different genes, some violent, some aggressive, but humans with intelligence do they really have a clue? Humans don't get put to sleep for having the wrong religion or not fitting in. After all, the dog warden almost looks like a bulldog too, some kind of crazy hybrid? Led reluctantly to find the big sleep. I cry, as this I write! An innocent dog dies just a stroke on the head and a tender goodbye. (C) LIVVI
A documentary provoked this! I do however understand that some dogs are too gone to be safe, but still I grieve for the innocent lost dogs x