it's not as neat as you'd hoped it would be not as clinical
when you left the hospital, they'd told you that it would be difficult
you hadn't believed them
but now, as you stand under the harsh spray of the shower under water that's been cold for an hour now you believe them
you'd felt like you'd been choking air thick with steam and some form of unhappiness that just won't go away so you were choking but you wouldn't leave eyes shut tight against what you hoped wasn't there leaning against the white tiles lining the wall barely breathing but now as the ice-cold water hits your face and chest you're not breathing at all
it's too painful, you'd told them but they hadn't listened
the crushing weight of this anxiety that you can't get rid of keeps you from turning off the shower and stepping out
it ends with you shivering against the floor rigid from the cold but at least you can't think anymore at least you can't think