i am often mystified when i see a painting one dimensional canvas capturing the subject long before the days of cameras i am often piqued when i look at the portraits sitting very astute and poised or rather smug and pompous wearing swathes of fabric medals of valor on his dressing his long jet black curly hair loose upon his collar proudly displaying his sword i am often intrigued with his prize sitting beside him draped in rich hues of velvet drowning in pearls and rubies with a matching tiara upon her coiffed auburn hair her delicate porcelain hands folded under the lace sleeves holding her silk fan i am often bemused with the expression on the blemish free complexion ruddy cheeks hiding their naughty flush with gleam in their eyes not a care in the world except to bet upcoming competition who is the best dueler a grand feast to follow i have often wondered what it would be like to live in the days before the camera to encapsulate every nuance.~~lorilynn