one day, every cell in my body will replace itself and there will be nowhere he has left those criminal fingerprints and my neck will not be branded, burnt and owned by his burning lips. my mouth will be but a stranger to his mouth as it is also renewed yet still drips that venomous saliva.
the deliverance of such hope is surely a God send.
but every cell in my body wants to dance with you I feel them vibrating in my inner being. every cell wants to meet you they all seek to be on the surface so they can bask in your warmth and light. they want to live in your complete and pure goodness.
that's why you astound me you make the very inside of me desire the surface
I want you to be there always, relearn my body daily as it grows into something familiar to you but also completely new.
I want to give you all of me. every cell I am now - they can die at your touch oh, what a heavenly way to die - every cell I am to be is predestined as your possession.
they may not know which cell yet they are to be, but not unlike me, all they are certain of is that they are yours.