Trying to say what you feel But no words can describe the horror No eraser can rid the words of pain in lead No white out can erase scars of ink Permanent That's what pain is Sticks with you forever like a cut or tattoo Cover yourself up so nobody can see The true self you are Lie to yourself Feed your mind thoughts and stories of what you can be instead of are Because that's reality The invisible noise choking the speech of truth The mirror your fist can't break Only see the shattered reflection Waiting for your life to break like the pieces of glass Or maybe that's it The pieces refusing to fall is faith Expecting them to fall But knowing they won't
Like a cracked painting It looks like it will fall apart but with faith it can stick together through all the cracks The watercolours are a metaphor of emotions One solid color is strong then fades to a pastel and swirls with the next hue A barely there shade you have to Try to see The chaotic stokes of the brush by a mad painter trying to captures scene or moment that will last forever only in memory Or hell Even a photograph A black and white scene that helps you remember But you can't remember the emotions Only a snapshot of life One moment you had But life goes on
Like a jewelry box you wind it up So tights sometimes The song plays rapidly Letting loose the notes it has Withheld from the silence And eventually lingers away from Sound
Like a grand piano You see it's Beauty but not it's pain You see the ivory keys You do not see their chips You see the strings You do not see how their torn under pressure You don't know So don't assume