when they ask him what he cares about he’s not sure how to answer because there are galaxies that spin freely in their own time and time that runs in place and places that contour in untrenched freeways and ways not so free, stuck in trembles, that run down a boy’s spine when he isn’t sure how to answer a question and by jove, there were questions honest and truly that he wanted to ask a strange man in tattered clothes and a young lad rubbing mud from under his nails and a woman poking a stick under her dress and the other men who huddled near an ember storm but the tat of their shirts spoke plenty and he shouldered away then just as he does now for what should be easily asked and easily answered --he does not feel as clean as he is-- and he does not know where the middle ground is or why this pause is curling black or how to say i do not know what i want and maybe words matter to him because once tied, he begs for a slip of tongue to resolve what he could not say with pauses and maybe pauses matter because once his words slip too far in between he caresses every second that allows a reel backwards and maybe he is backwards and will never answer the question the way he feels he should so when they ask him again what he cares about he pauses and pleads his brain before he can say, *i wish to ask the questions that will tell me i care enough.