His mate sent a letter to his girl back at home All the houses in their road put out flags They were led to believe that the war wouldn’t last By Christmas they’d be back at home smoking ****.
But it wasn’t so, he was still there on Christmas Day With others just like him who were terrified He’d heard they’d played footie somewhere miles away But they carried on shooting and more men died.
He’d not really known how much a man could hate mud But when it got in your food, then your eyes And when you slept in it, and lived in it day after day When men died in it their blood made dark dyes.
And the deafening noise of the guns just kept on Till his eardrums had burst and made him deaf The noise carried on like a dull thumping sound He’d have run, but he’d got no run left.
All around him his friends were all dying His mate with the letter had now gone From the hundreds who’d been in the trench yesterday Of the twenty-nine left, he was one.
What was this madness, again his heart cried These men he must **** and for why He couldn’t understand why the generals back home Sent here all these young men just to die.
Then a round hit him just under his rib-cage And the blood that oozed out was dark red There was no medic nor anyone near him So he bled out on his own till he was dead.
So another man lay in the mud dying Still the reasons of why would remain He just knew that those back at home waiting Would get the sad telegram of pain.