How much longer can I live your dream before losing mine completely?
What more can I do to please you before forgetting what pleases me?
How farther away can I go for us to be closer to one another?
When will you be able to listen to me without letting your voice take over your head?
No matter what I do what I say how much I try where I am you cannot let go of my life I cannot let go of the life you force upon me.
You have a way to make me feel useless like I always felt, when I wanted more than once to escape. The only place where that is possible is somewhere else but this Earth.
From time to time I feel like I am just a kid being manipulated by your expectations. You cannot stop worrying about me. I cannot stop worrying about you worrying about me. I am tired of trying to maintain the fake peace around us, of not being able to tell you how tired I have got especially now.
How do I gather the courage to stop thinking too much, which does not help at all, to simply let go of everything?
Almost 7 billion of us on this Earth what matters if I leave?