a helicopter flies above my neighbourhood at 7 in the morning I'm awake whether it is because the sound slapped my snooze or because I hadn't yet fallen asleep my autopilot doesn't choose to be annoyed I let apathy trickle down my throat and settle in my gut, it freezes chill to my forehead and my heart stops being so soft perhaps I forgot birds eat worms and I am a good liar I take naps while my roommates eat their dinner and that pulling my curtains shut to neglect the sun is not the same thing as Schrodinger's Cat - I think I'd like to be a werewolf so the full moon could strip my hesitancies and my horrors letting out a shrill holler, on all fours, barefoot in the soil I'd just like to let go just let it all go to be forced instead of contemplation to be loose instead of stagnation it is kind of like when your whole heart begs to be seen but is paralyzed by limelight I want letting go to be easy I don't want to work this hard for it.