I dont know somehow i find every other person except me happier than myself
they may say 'we've got issues too.' but i say i've got severe problems even minor ones attack with a great intensity
I'm going to turn into a loner a psychopath a ***** a neurotic and nobody will be able to do anything about it
only will they realize when its going to be too late for treatment and i'll sit and see and not utter a word coz each word of mine is nothing but malice, hurtful. if i myself,am so miserable, how do you expect me to tell you happy words.
i might fake a laugh. i can try and camouflage my insecurities. but i dont promise to eliminate the from the core. coz now its inscribed on my skin in my mind in my soul. The flaws arent my problems. being talked about by your own parents who claim to be your only true ,family on earth, ridiucle you for minute,ill purposes.
mom,and dad, now EVEN YOU?
u n f a i r
im so sorry.im so sad these days,plus my folks seem to not let me live a dignified life,a moment of happiness ,they cannot bear.i hate them the most,you cant even imagine,i might look like a freak show,blinded by the love of my parents,but i can beat you with it,any consolation you give,ive a counter answer to it.i'm so flustered right now.