Walking down the street On a cold winter’s day Pull my jacket close to my face —the scent of stale cigarette smoke clogs my lungs choking, I try to cough you out of my body Crowds of people pass me by Pushing, shoving, their faces blank I catch a glimpse of icy blue eyes —a jagged sapphire stone pierces my heart until all I can see is your toxic face Mechanical neck turns to the ground Not daring to look up again I see the pale skin of my own arms —your sharp red fingerprints infect it, one by one not even my own skin belongs to me anymore Tripping over my feet —screams of your name in the night Heels hit the ground faster now —the echo of sweet maniacal laughter Running as fast —hands of rusty silver around my throat As my feet will —a knife made of words, “I can’t do this anymore" Carry me