Some say there's nothing worse than a wasted life.
Counting the value of your days in accomplishments. Things I've lost, those I've hated, time spent locked away, riches squandered.
Holidays help the years go by,a day to celebrate when there's no real reason to be happy.
Conversations began and end with,"Remember when?" Your only mark left on this world is a name on a headstone. A name nobody ever called you by, a name you didn't choose.
Never wanted to grow up to be anything but older. Tattooed images that at one time meant everything to you.
Miss dead pets more than dead friends.
Leave nothing behind but a bloodline, maybe not even that.
Most things crumble with time,burn with the flames.
It's not important how long you'll be remembered. All memories fade with time, words lose meaning and this thing we are living carries on. Forgotten.