There’s a bus station inside of me My emotions are always on time But my actions are arriving later than ever I’m the punk kid in the corner of the 23 Trying to escape home When really, I’m the elderly lady, nervously riding the 26 Trying to find her way back home.
We wander aimlessly around university boulevard Pretending like we are college students Knees shaking like my 3rd grade hands when Dad taught me how to play poker Growing up is a gamble Except you have nothing to bet, But everything to lose College is a card game, but missing some of the 52’s And the 21’s, barely 18’s
The first time I got blindingly drunk We were all just 18, just graduated and we were drinking like it was going to be our last drinks We said “I love you” Like we were about to be sent to war Society, war field Knowledge, machine guns We said “I love you” Like we were ghost We never were so able to see right through each other like we did that night We grew up hearing the scary stories Of our battered haunted houses
It wasn’t the tequila talking But courage we found in fear Fear that our mother’s would **** us if she knew what we were doing * growing up*
We stay up late in the dorms spewing our dreams out of reality I learned at a lecture once That when galaxies form, Masses spew out of control Smashing into each other until millions years later, They find their orbit
We’re becoming ourselves in the most violent of ways Smashing into things until we get it right
One time, I saw a toddler on the bus Peeling off his own scab In all his gore and glory He held it up in pride, "Look ma!" its amazing, that any age We find new ways to make ourselves bleed Just to make sure we’re still human