Ever so eager to be evil, Only way to avenge is by revenge. Committing sins that’s justified When you amend Like when men pray then “Amen”. Convinced by the belief that you’re reprieved When you repent. You stick with it Even though you know it makes no sense. The only way to hit where it hurts is by malevolence, Benevolence hardly hurts when it hits So it’s irrelevant. Why **** ‘em with kindness, When you can **** ‘em with violence, **** acts of kindness, And act with vileness, That’s about as mean and wild as vile gets. Meanwhile, foul gets the best of you, But what will get the rest of you? Believing that god is still blessing you, When karma starts addressing you, God is really testing you, Hopefully you catch it Before you’re taken to hell’s vestibule.