I am the snow In the rains of the March; The returning flocks to an icy home —Too bitter to advance, yet too far to return; The million insect in the fleeing sun —At blissful risk from a sudden burn. I emerged (once more) from a shattered winter My frozen core would never splinter By grace of storms that built me up From many unrealized sunny days To be a summit of hearts dismayed And from then, here, I stayed. These warming days retract their touch As I refuse to melt as much As kindred of the winter, all Who grew with me in circumstance. Yet, this March has in me bred (Perhaps then, too, I’m in full their kindred) A space in me, a hole I melt Dripping with that Spring Emotion I forgot I ever felt. Beautiful warms come kissing me I fear until I’ll wither completely And lose this body to a formless drop Evaporating discreetly. Tho’ the winter from which I’m born And the ends of rejection I still bear in scorn I can not go to a new loving Spring Nor pray to a Winter, more snow to bring For one only feeds frozen past miseries The other, this essence, too quick to parch, Will do just the same as these Rains of the March.