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Mar 2014
I have a lot of anger built up inside me. I'm angry at society's obsession with ***. Maybe I don't want to touch your skin. I want to touch your heart and your soul. I'm sick of feeling worthless because of the number of boys I've laid down with. I'm ready to stand up. It's time we all stand up for how we really feel. Now I'm not **** shaming, don't get me wrong. I'm a firm believer in doing what you want as long as it's what you really want to do.
I am angry because I let curiosity ruin my innocence and now I'm struggling just to feel okay. I don't want to be alone but take your hands off of me. Feel my words and caress my thoughts. Just be on the same plane as me because intellectual connection is as **** as it gets.
Written by
s  Indiana
   Lyasia Forsythe
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