I remember every right word and the scars they left. I remember every bottle that broke on the floor. I remember how I swore I tried my best. I remember how you swore I could do more. I remember how we knew our time was coming. I remember how our watches would snap at the band. I remember how the sea gave way to our ship, But I couldn't bare to leave the sand...
I do believe that believers exist, but I fear that I'm the last one left. I took a shot in the dark, I missed. I hit my heart again instead.
I do not think I'm winning, I just don't want to be confused. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders as my bones break and skin starts to bruise.
I know no one can live forever, but I wish that I could pick and choose. I swear I'd be the first in line. I swear you'd be position number two.
I walk a fine line of words I write. I point my fingers and accuse. You take the ink away from me. You scream "this ink ain't being used."
I wrote a million letters. I wrote a sad story or two. I wrote too many dots of silence, I wrote too many "I" and "You's." I drew too many pictures. I erased so many things straight from the heart. I told you one too many times, "I swear we'll never grow apart..."
I remember every right song and the lines they left. I remember every teardrop that crashed on the floor. I remember how I swore it was just a guess. I remember how you swore I'd never learn. I remember how we knew our smiles were fading. I remember how our touches would stop at the hand. I remember that ground that allowed us to walk on But I couldn't bare to see us land...