Continuos flowing of the firmament Breaking the concrete walk of the beat to the scene we live our lives between street meat Imploding our boundaries while humans surround me no air or oxygen just fountains trying too hard to be scenic
I have a garden I own the earth But not In the end It will be my dad
All carbon and cozy covered in primrose plots moldy and pozy'd So many flowers mounded on the grave of a detritus that it worthy. To be part of physics Oh happy squeaking willow branches I remember Oh china tree blossoms white -just soon to come out- Ou the bombs though
The agony hanging over me when I know that there is not a peace treaty from betwixt man fingers plotting graphs of how to not hurt each other
Yet I swoon to the garden and it befuddles my every move tripping me with plant with organism with hippy mumbojumbo Convoluted material That makes an aqueous pressure and fluidity to drown all the youth Thou must grow but this isn't this fixed rates word attack
No. I am here to be the garden To show walden in myself for my selfs joy I am here for selfishness Not evil as you couldn't see me
To pick apart the pieces If the leaves rent in the movement to just create me To tease and toss the strings ran from below them to the trees seams. To root the ever awesome conglomerated picture of a fixture of an ornament Of the human life that Seams to stem from what is Lendon. This is homage to myself And so is the thought.