Once you "shift" - you're off On a manic adventure, chaotic and mysterious: Buoyed by a self-aggrandised delusion; Your off to explore and discover; To find answers to unposed questions; To clarify coincidences and follow tenuous connections; Compelled to experiment and to wander, Wondering about unfathomables And your place in the Cosmic hierarchy; Trying to fit Reality into your newly conceived World; Trying to fit yourself into a newly conceived Reality.
All information is relevant and pertinent, Although your filtering system is faulty - It all relates, even though connections aren't made; All those colours and sounds and improbable texts; All those lyrics absorbed and randomly regurgitated; All those shapes and serendipitous meetings, Conspire to cement and contradict; To fuel conspiracies and entrench coincidences.
However, these wondering wanderings Have their price - and the cost is potentially lethal. The thin veneer of civilization is threatened By an unpredictable Actor searching unpredicted truths - Eventually, a collision of Authority and self-empowered delusionist; A collision of the socially endorsed and the socially disenfranchised; A collision with only one survivor - When you re-emerge from the Institution You're changed; shattered, re-constructed and de-fused For the Greater Beast that We call a Civil Society.
[Afterall, I've repeatedly maintained that War {even on the Conceptual Plane} Is not a Legitimate Occupation, but a sometimes Necessary Evil to protect the Innocents and Idiots working for Our Simple Pleasures in the Essential Evil that is Life as We know it at Present. 10/3/2014]