There were Words upon a page Written chronologically. Chronically illogical Logically impossible Possibly an anomaly And that would be Phenominal
"The fate of failures, is perfection"
Attempts at great Aren't practical Without practice Wrong turns had to be made To find a new world Order a new atlas Errors addressed At last We find where to go Because of someone's Shortcomings
Trials I err Human is what I prefer It's a blessing My preference For learning my life lessons Is by living Yes, I listen But I'm missing the point I have perfect vision But Im def- Finitely trying to zero in Do you hear me? Or at least see Where I'm coming from Nothing The only option is more
If I plunder then fall I'll spring Before summer Without having cold feet Cowardice Never climbed mountains But a wise guy Kept his toes And still walks The open road
Success Is but a mile a way My failures Are just footprints It's easy To see Where I tripped But know I never tripped About it When I reach What seems to be Overnight success Just know How you see me Is the night before And it took me Ten thousand miles To get to this Opened door