we can't sing so much, but alive we deaden somber with aplomb. we are remorse and ripe plums. tap roots fastened to air kisses and laudanum. we congeal in our own ' thud '. a slow bomb coughing the alphabet's are off - with our high noon lows; depleted aloft. we are One - in the chamber of succinct loss.
we carry on. drudging up the hillocks of our Pandemonious Love.
blurting the wrong devout; conjoined to the rip in our seamless joust adjusting the rudiments of our lathe of fresh hell; to accommodate the actual constant of our hateful esteem. the very same accursed of our mutual louse... doubting the excellent **** of our divine Without. we covet the reign seeds of Love's Drought.
and as plausible honey we comb tangles into sunrays