Violin strings Sing The story of my life Unlike the blues They play off Mahogany Often, we Look down at our past Overlooking The good quality Times And all
Why reminisce Situations exempt Of bliss
Sit in Situations Awaiting The arrival Of my rival Archenemy Has characteristics Found in me We Are a story Plotted With convictions Because of Our connection: Conflict
My mistakes Stay with me As long As I let them
“Forget regret It only begets upset”
I can’t remember Where I came from I only remember The trips, Falls, And bumps Into the walls I can recall The long hallway I wanted to take But Afraid I turned away What lied at the end I’ll never know
Death to those Who don’t find out!
Too late I’m dead
And the violin sings…
Inside There’s not much moving No motion Promoting me Deeper into depression Deprived Of the one thing promised In life
Life Lied to me The night I tried To live With what I lost Couldn’t cope Lost hope And the scope of issues Wrapped Around my throat As a rope
I fought Long and hard To discard These Strings of destiny
But the violin sings…
Louder Than I can cry It plays Longer Than eye’s can cry Laughter Lays at the end Of the room Smiling In my face I look The other way And stay stuck In the past
Beautiful music Tries to change The ugly mood But Happiness It doesn’t bring It just happens To have a melody Loaded With songs to sing My body Stays motionless And Only my hands Will ever dream As they move To the grooves And dance Across the strings.