The books that are old, weathered, and worn are the ones to behold, love, and keep from scorn
Crack their spines and anytime could be the last but you'll find that pleasure floods your senses fast from the breath of disused pages emanating the dust of moths' wings is contagious as they sing the words of a generation forgotten a voice, a mind, a soul misbegotten to tell the tales untold but not forgotten
never forgotten as long as there are eyes to soak them in before they rotten and sink into the neglected graves overgrown and decrepit a fate so many try to stave yet so few manage in this day and age of kindles, nooks, and electronic books
a world on the verge of betraying the written word on pages that need to be turned to resurrect, transport, disgorge a once tangible strife and give respite to the reader's ever folding life