That grin enviably free of worry should be an advertisement for the way things ought to be.
Effusive innocence casts itself from a twenty year old snapshot like juice from a fatted orange pierced by a thumb spitting jealous longing on people who wear pants giving anything in trade to erase what they know about growing up to sit next to a gleamy eyed kid making **** prints in the earth proudly touting a ***** nose and Sedona sand on his Underoos.
Must we ever leave there the paradise of naivete' devoid of threat absent of concern universe of daddy-can-whip-anyone?
Enemies do not exist because we have not yet learned hate. Joy is first instinct until we grow into fear. The world is fig leafs and beauty before a cynical serpent has his way with us.
A father begs his son "STAY THERE! STAY THERE!" Protection is lost outside the frame. There's no recourse for growing up.