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Mar 2014
A thought alignment.
A gathering of ideas.
A herd of beings, all with twisted arms.

The condescending conspiracy takes hold like the body of a snake.
How can we expand our minds if they've become beguiled by the thought that everything will "be okay"?
Weight of the truth compares to that of an anvil.
This is why our shoulders become harder to carry around with the years that pass.

So we need to question the most simplistic advocate.


What is it we need?
Why is it we give up?
Who tamed the fire inside your heart?

Give me passion. Give me hope. Give me assurance that no matter how hard it may be to take that next step into abandonment, you'll keep walking.
Because an empty space never gave you so much opportunity.
A revolution is taking place and we need to open our windows and let the sour breeze roll in.

Find strength in the fallout.
Bring Love in your pockets.

*Awareness is loyalty.
I've been reading TOO MUCH about what's going on behind closed doors this day in age. We, the wonderful people, need to be the change.
Jeramy Allen Thompson
Written by
Jeramy Allen Thompson  The Mitten
(The Mitten)   
   ---, Creep and Vincent JFA
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