Man, all this sun So hot, so bright I look up and have to turn away
Maybe, because it's unbearable to look at With it's darling rays And it's great illuminosity
Maybe, because of it's golden, wide-set eyes And faux gold full hips And let's not forget---- It's beautifully-carved upturned corners Quite a masterpiece
Spinning and smiling Maybe she's high as well-- Maybe she isn't Maybe she's just as natural and carefree, How girls these days should be Maybe it's because she just ain't like that Maybe she just has that much self-pride Or self esteem
So high she is Because she's flying so high in the sky But I have to look away I cannot bear to see her dancing in the breeze Then, sitting on the clouds Caressing them as if pillows I just cannot behold her glory, her nature, her charm
She's whispering to me, sweet melodies Begging me to join her And I am about to go But, right now, I'm dreaming--- Day dreaming