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Sep 2010
Hey baby, it’s three in the morning
Time has just flown by without any warning
But I need to get my daily dose of you
Before I have caught a love flu

Like a medicine? No, more like a drug
Embracing me like a gentle warm hug
One dose puts a smile on my face
Two doses steal my heart away without a trace

But how it torments and suffocates
When I can’t have it, it agitates
Yet the more I am used to its bittersweet
The more I need to consume to defeat

I would breakdown if you take it away from me
As you can already clearly see
You are the drug that I abuse
The remedy to my sickness as I deduce

So please, if you are not harmful to my body
I would like to maintain this dangerous harmony
Getting addicted is not an issue
As long as you are the one that I cling to
September 28, 2010
Written by
Ivy Kwan
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