I Survived, Living Dangerously,
On My Own High Risk Behavior.
To My Chagrin, I Was Not Hindered.
A Savior Did Not Appear For Me.
Pretty, Smooth, Witty, Cool,
As Seen From The Outside.
Angry, Ugly, Sad...A Cynic,
Roiling...Boiling...Burning Inside.
Short, Slight, Blonde, Bright.
A Lonely Loner In The Crowd.
A Walking, Talking Mannequin.
Slowly, Surely I Turned To The Night.
I Saw The Many Sunsets.
So Many, Many Sunsets.
I Saw Fewer Sunrises.
I Was Too Late For Them.
Dark And Black, Was My Slumbering;
No Pain, No Fear, Forever Comforting...
I Slept Through Births, Deaths, Christmas, Easter...
I Slept Through Uncountable Years.
I felt a dog's lick tickle my ear.
Forever I'd felt nothing so near.
I began to awaken, I began to hear
a whisper whistling, "I Am Here".
A foreign light hit my closed eyes.
I raised my eyelids with all my might.
Through curtains I looked at an ancient site.
Wakened, I rose from my own demise,
I would at least watch my last sunrise.
(© Written by sjhunt-bloodworth 05-10-10)