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Louise Leger
Mar 2014
The Man in Manhattan
We travelled sunny Manhattan, my family and I
On the top of a double decker, to see what scrapes the sky
The bus saw it all, Times Square, Empire State,
Broadway, Wall Street, Central Park, it was great!
When we drove by the office buildings, I saw a large set of stairs
It was beautifully vast with a refreshing air
Dozens of suited workers were scattered about
Some sat there to rest, some went up, some went down…
There was one man who sat there and really drew my eye
When I looked the time slowed and I wasn’t sure why
He was generically handsome in a way that was vague
And was contently unrolling his brown paper bag
In a dress-shirt and tie, his blazer set aside
He sat, eating a sandwich with a surreal air of pride
Unlike your average stressed out business man
He was at ease with himself, sandwich in hand
As the moment had passed our bus travelled on
And just like that, the young man was gone
We finished the tour and returned to our hotel
We relaxed in our room and gabbed and shared tell
Of our thoughts of the tour we had taken that day
“One thing I noticed,” I heard my mom say
(I could already tell what she was about to relay)
“was this man in a suit who made quite a display,
eating lunch on some stairs, I kept looking his way”
I could hardly believe it, that she saw him too
I expressed in excitement, that I totally knew
Precisely the man she was talking about
“I saw him too!” I heard my dad and bro shout
We all laughed in surprise that of all the people we saw
To that very same man, we all had been drawn
What was it about him that made him stand out so much?
He was only a man just enjoying his lunch
He just seemed so content and at peace with himself
His aura made it clear of his internal wealth
What was it that set such a grand vibe in motion?
Perhaps he had just been handed out a promotion
It could be that his un-ignorable gleam
Was the personification of the Manhattan dream
Or maybe he was just basking in the warm sunny day
Whatever it was, we all felt his array
I wonder if that moment when we looked from the bus
Was as important to him as it had been to us
I can’t help but feel like it must have been
Cause whatever he was feeling drew all eyes to him
Written by
Louise Leger
New Brunswick, Canada
(New Brunswick, Canada)
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