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Mar 2014
Look at this terrible and beautiful
monster we've made
and look at the name we've given it.
Look daddy, at all the blood
daddy can you see it
See the blood
and all the broken flowers
Daddy can we keep it?
Can it be our pet?

Please daddy, it will stay in my room
and you won't even know its there
and if you want to you can name it
It really is quite friendly
Look it lets me stroke it

Daddy please i know you have one too
you can't hide it from me
I've seen it
and sometimes i steal it, and
it sleeps in my room
and now i just want one of my one

daddy please don't hurt it
no daddy please
all I want is to keep it
i feed it and it only bites me a little
I will just hide it under my bed if you say no
its mine now

I kept it all this time.
fighting bees
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fighting bees
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