celebration of the softer mind its weak hand flutters along the edge of its misspoken and brittle cakes of haphazard thought tasty sweets to distract distilled from the lesser thoughts of some brilliant mind its watered down textures is vile to the tongue but one must find the strength to utter it lest you be thought too frail to press on with the greater good
she shivers inspite the thick bundleΒ Β of her cloth and looks with pleading up to the ignorant sun can you do nothing to warm me she inquires but the suns bliss is uninterrupted as in its daily wanderings it could ill conceive such creatures so far below milling about under its brilliant beauties
so in celebration of the softer mind we pick up our lacklustre thoughts and dragging them behind like some misbegotten carriage of poorboys laughable creation we pick our way east along the kings highway looking for floozies and harlots we could sit and pass the time with in gentile repose they know the truth of kindness and know it has no coin so while you may think it strange that my lover and i seek such minstrels of carnal dances we understand that the finest linen dose not always make for such fine thread to keep out the worlds cold the truth of kindness is that it needs no coin