O come buy doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts for sale
sweet ones, ladies and yummy ones, gents; precious doughnuts you’ve never seen in your lands I made them with my own hands each sugary and yum to the core round and hollow in the middle each doughnut like Einstein’s universe
O come buy doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts for sale
colorful doughnuts I have for you gathered here I climbed the skies to steal a color off each rainbow that appears and disappears – so have a blue doughnut, a red or pink or green or purple any color you will or a psychedelic one if that please you more
O look at this love doughnut trick: it fits your fingers like a huge wedding ring and your beloved bites through and then gets to your finger and has to lick off every drop of sugar and then kisses you on your hands and after that O, modesty forbids me to say anything beyond – it’s all up to you… Or would you prefer a doughnut bangle?
O come buy doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts doughnuts for sale O beautiful ladies and gentle Sirs please make all my doughnuts disappear within the hour