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Mar 2014
downed half a bottle in less than five minutes
and then i heard the news
so my mind reached it's limits
when you told me what he did to you

your throat caught between a car door
his fingers in your mouth,
biting, tearing, screaming, like you never had before
from the time you left my house,
it all went south
blades of steel beg for him to bleed more

i would hope they choke
on all the words they spew
i can only hope
tragedy will leave me and you.

my fist met the dead wood
blood drips down my fingers
and i did not do as i should've,
found him, destroyed him, left his soul to linger

so instead i returned the books to a false love
who broke me in ways no man ever should
it should've meant something, it must've,
but with him, it never could.

here's to the bruises on your arms
and the words that still echo inside my head
here's to the war we fought, all the harm
here's to the men who are better off dead.
i understand hatred.
Aviendha Goodrich
Written by
Aviendha Goodrich  21/Cisgender Female/Maryland
(21/Cisgender Female/Maryland)   
     MoVitaLuna, Megan, mars, James Jarrett, --- and 5 others
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